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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mango's Glitter Passion ...

Heute kam eine erste Überraschung von Mango. Inhalt waren eine Jeans (die leider schlecht saß!), ein schwarzer Ledergürtel mit Metallapplikationen (siehe Bild) und dieser wunderschöne Pulli mit Lurexfäden. Der hat's mir richtig angetan!

Today a first surprise was delivered by Mango. It has included a new jeans (that doesn't really fit), a black leather belt with appliqué of metal (see photos) and that lovely pullover with lurex threads. I'm really into it!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Cheerful and Feminine Bracelet ...

Mir ist in letzter Zeit beim Durchstöbern anderer Blogs aufgefallen wie wenig Accessoires ich momentan eigentlich besitze und hab heute gleich mal in der Mittagspause spontan was ergattern können. Ich hab auch ein zwei Dinge im Internet bestellt, in die ich mich sofort verliebt habe. Sobald es da ist, seid ihr die Ersten, die davon erfahren ;-) kann's bei der einen Sache echt kaum abwarten ...

For a few days while browsing through some fashion blogs I've realized that I really don't have that many accessories. So I decided to change this situation. During my lunch time I accidentally found my first new piece (see photos) But yesterday I also ordered some jewerly from an online shop and you'll be the first that I'll show these things ;-) I especially look forward to one of these ...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Tutorial - Fischgrätenzopf ! alias Fish Bone Queue ? ...

Ich habe mir vor kurzem ein Tutorial zum Flechten eines Fischgrätenzopfes angesehen und mich nun auch selbst dran versucht. Ich denke, mit ein bisschen Übung wirds bald ganz leicht von der Hand gehen :-)
Durch meine Locken ist es ziemlich durcheinander, aber ich finds irgendwie ganz cool. 

Da ich bereits ein paar Mal drauf angesprochen wurde, wie man diesen tollen Zopf denn flechtet, dachte ich mir, ich stell euch auch mal so ein Video von Youtube zur Verfügung ...

Today morning I tried my first 'fish bone queue'  (I don't know the English word for Fischgrätenzopf). I think the saw 'Skill comes with practice' is the right expression for my result but I suppose 'cause of my curls you can't really see if it worked or not :-) it's a bit untidy. 
I like it anyway ...

As some people asked me today how to plait this queue, I like to share a tutorial with you that I take from youtube.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

City meets Nature ...

Today at lunch time I spent a quarter of an hour at the Alster in Hamburg. As always it was really relaxing and nice just to sit there watching the people and the river with its swans and boats ... and of course sometimes I had a look at the new InStyle Magazine. Lovely !!!

Some hours later in the evening ... finally the end of the work day.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Back from the SZIGET festival in Budapest ...

So I'm already back in Germany and I just wanna go back to the SZIGET festival. I've been totally addicted to it since I made the first steps over the bridge ... I can't describe the feeling that you experience there. Really! Just go to that festival and feel it for yourself !!! Amazing <3 

So until the next Sziget festival just wait round about 348 days and then join amazing concerts, great bars with lounge music, delicious drinks, memorable party nights and a lot of more fun with over 400.000 other people.

For more information and some photographs, please visit the official website.

Looking forward to next year's SZIGET Festival 

This song was played, I don't know, hundred times on the festival

Great Sziget Chill Out Music 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Búcsú Germany and Helló Hungary

Nur noch 1 Tag, dann heißt es Auf Wiedersehen Deutschland und Hallo Ungarn !!

Only 1 Day left, then I can say Goodbye Germany and Hello Hungary !!

Unfortunately my notebook couldn't be repaired so far, so I can't edit my photographs ... but I suppose I don't have to wait anymore that long for my new Canon (makes great photographs!!)